The only European clinic with most advanced technologies

IVF Doctors in Georgia, Tbilisi

Natia Grigalashvili


Holding degree in Business Administration, Natia has multiple years of experience working in Financial and Medical Sectors on leading positions. Being a results-driven leader, she was in charge of operating and managing the branches of the leading banking institutions in Georgia. After gaining tremendous experience in Banking system, later, Natia continued her career in Medical Services where she was in charge of financial and operational management of local and International branches for more then 10 years.

She has obtained her accounting skills from Georgian Federation of Professional Accountants and Auditors, operating according to International Standards of Accounting, which gave her deeper knowledge to define and implement successful financial strategies.

Her strong skills in business administration, experience with managing multicultural organizations, as well as her analytical and organizational skills, makes her a great team leader.

For now Natia supervises all of the operational activities of whole holding.
She makes sure that all department of the company meets standards, oversees and manages daily activities by working closely with administrative and medical professionals.
Natia actively designs and implements business strategies to help the holding meet organizational goals. Having an outgoing and warm personality, she certainly creates a friendly environment for each employee at the company.

Tamta Tsaava

Chief IVF Doctor, Gynecologist, Reproductologiest

Tamta has graduated with honors from Tbilisi State Medical University and started her medical career at Zhordania Institute of Human Reproduction. She underwent multiple trainings and has more than 10 years of experience in In Vitro Fertilization. Tamta is specialized in infertility in male and female, third party assisted reproduction ( Egg Donation and Surrogacy programs), gynecological endocrinology, conservative gynecology, menopause and pre-menopause, contraception, miscarriage risk management and treatment.

Her dedication to her duties, high performance level, outstanding problem solving and risk management skills, perfect information delivery, open and fair interpersonal communications makes cooperation with her on any subject comfortable, easy and reliable in all respects.

Languages- Georgian, Russian, English

Lika Oboladze

International Programs Coordinator

Graduated from Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Lika holds BA degree in Psychology. She has more than 10 years of working experience in local, international and state organizations, as well as in NGO. Starting career as a customer service representative for an International company, she managed to become a CEO assistant in a short time.

Having a passion for working in Medical Service and communicate with patients, Lika decided to obtain Master Degree in Public Health Administration and Management. She worked as a deputy director in administrative field in one of the biggest hospitals in Tbilisi. After getting her Master Degree, Lika joined NCDC (National Center of Disease Control and Public Health) UNICEF funded project and she had to deal, control and monitor antenatal and perinatal clinics all over the country. She participated in various health conferences, meetings and trainings arranged by different organizations such as WHO, Statistics Sweden and University of Tromso (Norway).

After almost 5 years of working with New Life, she has been promoted to Head of the Recruitment Department, and now she is helding od position of International Program Coordinator in Beta Clinic. Working with teams in different countries remotely is multicultural and very interesting. Leading, guiding and managing the teams to bring the best base for implementing the programs is the main duty for Lika.

Maia Mikava

Gynecologist, Reproductologist

Doctor Maia Mikava graduated from Tbilisi Medical University with honors; she passed her medical residency at the Bogomolets National Medical University of Kyiv and holds the licenses in fertility science and obstetrics-gynecology.

She has many years of experience as a fertility specialist and obstetrician-gynecologist in leading clinics both in Georgia and abroad - Fertility Clinic "In-Vitro", Bichat-Claude Bernard Hospital in Paris, Zurab Sabakhtarashvili Medical Clinic, # 7 Maternity Hospital of Kyiv and Gudushauri Medical Center of Tbilisi.
Her key direction at Beta Plus Fertility Clinic - Gynecologist, Reproductologist.

Thanks to her observant, friendly attitude, every patient visiting the clinic is provided with a peaceful, professional and safe environment.
Languages: Georgian, English and Russian.

Aliona Burmistrova

Obstetrician-gynecologist, Reproductologist, IVF Doctor

Aliona graduated with honours from National Medical University named after

O.O. Bogomolets in Kyiv, Ukraine. She passed an internship in the speciality "Obstetrics and Gynecology" based in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology №1 National Medical Academy named after P.L. Shupyka in Kyiv and specialization “Reproductive technologists” and "Ultrasound diagnostics".

Aliona has worked at the Maternity hospital of Kyiv-Sviatoshynsky CDH, the maternity ward of the State Institution "Gomel City Clinical Hospital №3" of the Republic of Belarus, obstetrician-gynaecologist, reproductive specialist of the Clinic of Reproductive Genetics "Victoria" in Kyiv, obstetrician-gynaecologist, reproductive specialist MС "Dobrobut" in Kyiv.

She is a member of the Ukrainian Association of Reproductive Medicine (UARM), the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) and Fetal Medicine Foundation Certification (FMF).

She regularly attends scientific and practical Ukrainian and international conferences. Constantly improves his skills, and follows the latest inventions and achievements in the field.

Dr Aliona is specialized in the diagnostic and treatment of all forms of infertility,

conducting cycles of treatment with the use of assisted reproductive technologies (in vitro fertilization, intrauterine insemination), pregnancy planning, reproductive endocrinology, and women's health.

Aliona is supporting all the patients on their way to the main goal, easily dealing with hard explanations and making them understandable, finding the best treatment plan and going throw it in great cooperation with future parents. Doctor's advice: The main thing for each patient is the belief in success and the visualization of the desired! Every woman who aspires to motherhood will become a Mother!

Languages: English, Ukrainian, Russian.

Natia Demetradze

Pregnancy Care Doctor, OBG

Doctor Natia was graduated from Tbilisi State Medical University and got numerous trainings at famous Medical Centers. She has more than 10 years of experience in Pregnancy Care and Gynecology. Before Beta Plus Fertility Clinic, she has been working in prestigious clinics and delivery hospitals in Georgia.

At Beta Plus Fertility Clinic Doctor Natia is in charge of pregnant patients. Since she is specialized in management of risky and complicated pregnancies, we feel relived, that via Doctor Natia’s help we will manage to diminish risks and ensure full term deliveries. Natia deals with our pregnant patients, their Ultrasound scans and successfully manages all of our pregnant patients including the ones with high risk pregnancies.

High professionalism, communication and patient care skills; attention to details; confidence, empathy, being humane, respectfulness and thoroughness are qualities what makes Doctor Natia very valuable member of our clinical staff.

Ketevan Paikidze


Ketevan was graduated from Tbilisi state medical University and continued further studies in Obstetrics and Gynecology in Belarus. Besides her studies, she has gained practical experience in various medical institutions in Tbilsi as well as in CIS countries.
At Beta Plus Fertility, Ketevan successfully manages our pregnant patients and prepares them for different examinations and procedures.

Anano Zedginidze


Anano graduated with honors from Tbilisi State Medical University. Then she successfully passed the Residency exam and started learning at Ivane Javakhishvili State University the obstetrics-gynecology. She acquired practical experience in leading clinics, assisted doctors qualified in different fields of medicine. At Beta Plus Fertility Anano is actively involved in diagnostics, medical history records, prepares patients for examination by performing preliminary test an reports patient history.

Ekaterine Gabashvili


Ekaterine was graduated with honors from Tbilisi Medical University. Besides her studies, she worked as an assistant in various medical institutions and has gained lots of practical knowledge.

At Beta Plus Fertility, Ekaterine is actively involved in fertility diagnostic as well as deals with pregnant patients. She verifies patient information by interviewing patient; records medical history; confirms purpose of visit. Prepares patients for examination by performing preliminary tests and reports patient history summary.

“We were truly impressed with Ekaterine’s compassionate, understanding, competent and committed personality” Saying our patients.

Megi Kokashvili

Junior Doctor

Maggie has graduated with honors from Tbilisi State Medical University and gained a practical experience at various successful clinics in Tbilisi, such as: Academician Nikoloz Kipshidze Republican Hospital, Jo Ann Medical Center, Railway Hospital, S. Khechinashvili University Hospital, Caucasus Medical Center. Maggie is currently a first-year student of residency program of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

In Beta Plus, Maggie is actively involved in infertility diagnosis. Checks and fills in the medical histories. Provides consultations to patients and prepares them for the necessary examinations. She is characterized with diligence, dedication, ability to quickly master and learn. She enjoys interacting with patients.

Valeri Tokarev

Embryologist, PGD/ PGS Specialist

Valeri has graduated from National Medicine University in Kiev, Ukraine. He successfully practices embryology since 2010. Veleri is specialized in all modern reproductive technologies such as IVF, ICSI, PICSI, IMSI, laser hatching, PGD (preimplantation genetic diagnosis), vitrification (freezing) sperm or oocyte and embryos, embryo transfer. All the time he has visited international conferences , improves skills and collaborates with European embryologists.

During his career he has lead three laboratories and was senior embryologist in famous IVF clinics in Ukraine. Besides, he underwent many ISO courses “Requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories ISO 17025:2017”.

His main conviction is, that embryological laboratory is like a first cradle and it has to be irreproachable!

Zhadyra Shagyrova


Zhadyra graduated bachelor and got master’s degree from Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan, Almaty), faculty of Biology and Biotechnology. After the graduation, she gained experience as a junior researcher in the National Center for Biotechnology and later on she joined Kazakhstan IVF Clinic ‘’Persona’’ as an Embryologist.

Zhadyra joined Beta Plus Fertility Clinic in 2019 as an embryologist. As a highly qualified specialist, she has experience in analyzing sperm quality (Spermogram, Morphology, MAR-Test), DNA Test for Sperm Fragmentation, Analysis of Microdeletions of the AZF Y Chromosome Locus, CFTR Gene Analysis, Cystic Fibrosis, Cryopreservation and Thawing of Oocytes, Embryos, Semen Assisted Hatching, IVF, ICSI, PICSI, Embryo Biopsy. As a very caring and perfectionist person, Zhadyra is a great addition to our team.

Nino Papelishvili


Nino graduated bachelor at Tbilisi State University and get master degree in Biology-Biochemistry. She participated several researches and trainings in biochemistry and immunology. After graduation in 2019th she decided to join Beta team as an embryologist. Nino has excellent skills like: vitrification sperm and embryos, thawing and transfer of embryos, sperm analysis, IVF, ICSI, PICSI, laser hatching, embryo biopsy. Nino is a very confident, hardworking and dedicated embryologist.

Nino Rostiashvili

Doctor Radiologist

After graduating from Ivane Javakhishvili State University of Georgia with a Degree in Internal Medicine, Nino continued her studies and finished official internship in Radiology at the Tbilisi state medical university- institute of postgraduate medical education and continuous professional development.
Nino is a licensed Doctor Radiologist and brings 6-year experience from leading medical institutions and hospitals in Georgia.

At BetaPlus Nino monitors our pregnant patients throughout the process of pregnancy and planned diagnostics.

Lika Jamburia

Doctor Radiologist

After graduating from Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Medicine, Lika continued her study at Tbilisi State Medical University, Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Continuing Professional Development: Residency program in Radiology.

After receiving the state certificate in medical radiology, she until now works at Academician N. Kipshidze Central University Clinic (Central Republican Clinic). She has seven years of successful working experience in various emergency clinics of Tbilisi.

Manana Sepashvili

Doctor Radiologist

Mrs. Manana has successfully graduated from Tbilisi State Medical University. She has undergone internships and master classes of radiology in the field of obstetric gynaecology in Georgia, as well as in leading European clinics.

She has 20 years of experience in radiology at such leading clinics as: Institute of Medical Radiology (Acad. Fridon Todua Medical Center), Gagua Clinic, St. Joachim and St. Anne Medical Centre, Georgian-American Center for Reproductive Medicine, Newmed Clinic.

She is also a member of ISUOG (International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology).

Tamta Kveliashvili

Doctor radiologist

Tamta successfully graduated from Tbilisi State Medical University and then passed the postgraduate program at the Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (Shupyk NMAPE)). Tamta has completed internships in various fields of radiology. Since 2016, she has been a member of ESR (European Society of Radiology) and ISUOG (The International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology). She has 6 years of working experience in various successful clinics such as O. Ghudushauri Medical Center, Medicom, and Aversi Clinic.

Tamta provides monitoring of pregnant patients and scheduled ultrasound examinations for BetaPlus Fertility Clinic.

Tatia Soselia


Tatia graduated with honors from the Faculty of Medicine of Tbilisi State University, after which she completed her residency in the field of radiology at the Archangel ST. Michael multi profile clinical hospital. Currently, she is a valuable member of the Nia Oniashvili cilinic “Baiebi”.

Tatia recently joined the Beta Plus Fertility team. She loves for her profession and provides full-value ultrasound studies of patients with a high sense of responsibility. Which makes her reliable and trustworthy.

Ana Mekvabidze

Radiologist assistant

Ana holds a degree in Psychology from Sokhumi State University. Since 2005, she has worked as an assistant in radiology department.

At Beta Plus, Ana assists radiologists and ensures efficient diagnostics/ medical imaging process for all patients and the doctors.

Ana shows highest level of professionalism in conducting her duties, including the relationships she establishes with Beta Plus patients. Customers feel at ease and more hopeful after interacting with Ana.

Manana Liparteliani

Radiologist assistant

Manana has graduated from Javakhishvili State University. Since 2002, she has worked at Zhordania Institute of Human Reproduction as an operator in radiology department.
At Beta Plus clinic Manana manages the deployment of all electronic paperwork, requests and provides necessary documentation, prints diagnosis, informs patients and prepares them for upcoming procedures.
Manana is known for her astonishing skills such as verbal communications and teamwork as well as the highest sense of responsibility.

Lela Gazashvili

Head Nurse

Lela Gazashvili has many years of experience in providing emergency care to patients and working as a nurse. She also has various certifications in the field of auditing.

As head nurse, she plans, performs and evaluates care standards in the Beta Plus Fertility clinic. Lela closely cooperates with health care representatives and receives advice from them on how to improve standards. She is responsible for coordinating new nursing strategies. Lela is a very motivated person, a fast learner and loves to share her knowledge in the field with others.

Possessing a high sense of responsibility, Lela is considered one of the most dedicated, enthusiastic and supportive members of Beta Plus Fertility.

Lia Matsaberidze

IVF Nurse

Lia has recently joined the Beta Plus Fertility Clinic as an experienced IVF Nurse.
Growing up in Georgia , Lia was graduated from Tbilisi State University as a certified Nurse. She has more than 14 years of experience in Nursing in Fertility Clinics.
Throughout her career she has worked in an emergency care nursing, postpartum nursing, Labor and Delivery, until she joined Neoest IVF Clinic in Georgia, were she worked more then ten years.
“This is a very stressful process full of anxiety for the patients. I want to make things smoother and aim to help them be better informed and describe what lies ahead. It helps lessen their anxiety level and assists the patients to make better choices, which at the end helps with a positive outcome.”

Lia is very caring person and loves to take care on patients, Egg donors and Surrogate mothers. She visits them at home to ensure trigger shots are done at right time and success is not put at risk.

Izolda Mamardashvili


Graduated from Tbilisi State University as a certified Nurse, Izolda has more than 10 years of experience in Nursing.

She is a highly skilled professional in the field of fertility and IVF. As a nurse, she is involved in assisting patients during treatments and ensures each patients experience is as stress free as possible.

With her engaging personality and genuine care, she is always ready to assist patients at all stages of their journey.

Tatia Gvenetadze

Assistant to Gynecologist-Reproductologist

Tatia has graduated from medical college. She has undergone internships in various clinics. She has been working in the medical field since 2015 and as a senior nurse since 2019. In Beta Plus she is involved in infertility diagnosis, checks and fills in patient’s histories and spares no effort for deserving appreciation from patients. They characterize Tatia as a very caring and attentive person.

Ketevan Shioshvili

Nurse Assistant

Ketevan serves as a medium between patients and nurse and doctors and records and communicates all issues to medical staff. Throughout her career, she served as a nurse assistant in various big hospitals and has great experience in medical assistance field.

At Beta Plus Fertility Clinic, Ketevan cleans and sanitizes patient areas, collects information and treatment plans from nurse and doctors, ensures safety regulations are followed and sanitary and hygiene norms are safeguarded. She has great personality and greets everybody with smile, warmth and genuine care.

Nino Topuria


Nino Topuria is a psychologist at our Betaplus clinic, where she provides individual psychological support to patients, surrogates and donors to help them make informed decisions and ensure that the whole process is less stressful for them.

Nino received her BA and MA in Psychology from Ivane Javakhishvili State University. She completed a one-year postgraduate course in cognitive behavioral therapy. She worked as a psychologist at the Georgian-American High School. She led the author's program "Psychologist's office". She has worked at the Davitiani Psychotherapy Centre since its foundation. She is currently participating in a 5-year postgraduate training program at the Caucasian Institute of Gestalt Therapy and Family Psychotherapy, after which she will become an accredited Gestalt therapist of the European Association of Gestalt Therapists. Nino is also an associate member of the National Association of Gestalt Therapists of Georgia.

Emotional support is what Nino believes is most necessary for patients who are undergoing quite stressful medical procedures. In this respect, in-vitro fertilization is no exception. She strives to create a caring atmosphere in the clinic in which patients feel safe.

It is also noteworthy that before deciding to participate in the programme, all surrogate mothers are interviewed by Nino to make sure they are psychologically ready. The continuous care policy naturally brought results, and since Nino has been with us, the miscarriage rate has dropped by 5% and the in-vitro fertilization success rate will increase by a further 4.3%. "Learning and improving results is a continuous process," says Nino, who feels that care, attention and support are never excessive.

Nino speaks Georgian, Russian and English.

Khatia Salia


For receiving LLM, Khatia Salia continued her studies at the Caucasus University School of Law after graduating from the Faculty Law at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. As a lawyer, she has working experience in leading reproductive clinics and has a high sense of responsibility.

Khatia's responsibilities are to provide legal support for the clinic, preparation of legal documents, representation of the clinic in communication with patients, state and other organizations, and legal examination of documents.

Khatia is distinguished with an eye for detail and precision, which ensures that legal issues at the clinic are dealt with in a timely and complete manner.
Khatija speaks Georgian, Russian, Spanish, and English.

Nino Sukhitashvili


After completing her studies at the Faculty of Business Administration at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Nino worked on various positions in leading banks of Georgia. She later decided to study accounting additionally and received work experience in various large and successful companies. Nino continues to deepen her knowledge and she is a student of the ACCA International Program.

Nino keeps the financial management of the clinic at Beta Plus Fertility Clinic. She is responsible for providing financial information to management, organizing documentation and all other financial issues.

Nino is distinguished by her attention to detail and her accuracy, ensuring timely and comprehensive financial performance at the clinic.

Languages: Georgian, English and Russian.

Sophie Gabriadze

Patient Coordinator

Sophie was graduated from Tbilisi Medical University and pursued her further studies in Tallinn, Estonia where she had obtained Master of Science Degree in Healthcare engineering. After her return from Estonia, Sophie has started work at Ministry of Health Care as a Health care expert were she had developed her further practical skills and knowledge.

As Patient Coordinator at Beta Plus Fertility, Sophie manages and coordinates new inquiries from future parents as well as from partners. Her empathetic and charismatic personality enables her to provide support and guidance in a way to ensure patients’ satisfaction. Sophie answers initial questions in great details, introduces available treatment options and handles communication for the final agreement. Sophie is your primary contact when you start to consider carrying out your fertility treatment with us.

Elene Kandelaki

Patient coordinator

Elene eagerly took internships in management while studying at Tbilisi Open University (TOU) and also after graduating with honors. Studying consumer behavior and putting it into practice was her main goal, which helped her to conduct a number of training sessions in this direction. Besides, Elene took a psychology course which gave her very important knowledge, skills, and expertise in her work.

Elene coordinates the flow of patients in our clinic, answers their questions thoroughly, and provides them with high-quality services, both before and after joining the program.
Being a thoughtful and very empathic person, Elene tries her best to make sure that every patient at the Beta Plus clinic leaves satisfied and successful.

Tatia Meskhi

Egg donor and surrogate mother coordinator

After graduating from the Faculty of Law at Tbilisi University of Education, Tatia attended trainings on various topics at the same university and gained both theoretical and practical knowledge. She then decided to pursue a professional career in social media and PR. After several years of experience in the field, she has developed skills such as: time management, planning, organisation.

Tatia has joined our clinic team as coordinator of egg donors and surrogate mothers. Tatia meets with potential donors and surrogates, informs them about all the details of the programme and makes sure they feel confident, comfortable and safe. She is always available to answer any questions surrogate mothers and donors may have, to make them feel as comfortable as possible throughout the process. Tatia has a high sense of responsibility for her work, her communication skills and her ability to work in a team. She makes sure that every Beta Plus clinic patient leaves us satisfied and successful, and that the whole process is smooth and reliable.

Tamar Muchiauri

Financial Administrator

After successfully graduating from Georgian Technical University, Tamar acquired her Master’s Degree in Project Management. She worked at various companies as a chief cashier (accountant) and gained knowledge and experience in financial administration and management.
At Betaplus clinic, Tamar’s responsibilities include managing various financial operations, assisting patients with financial concerns and providing monthly reports.

Ketevan Endeladze


After graduating from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the National University of Georgia, specializing in social psychology, Ketevani was employed in several leading organizations in different positions.

After graduating from the university, she worked with students as a class coordinator-psychologist. After several years of experience, she continued to work as an administrator in a clinic in Curacio, where she gained experience as an admissions registrar, as well as in the medical field, her goal is to advance her career and gain as much experience as possible in human resource management.

Ketevan believes that while communicating with the patient, the kindness of the administrator is most important in order to create a positive attitude towards the clinic and the staff employed there, in which her profession helps her a lot.

Elene Gelashvili

Program Coordinator

Graduated Georgian State University graduated in the Faculty of Law. She is currently obtaining a master’s degree from the same university in parallel with her work. Elene is a great asset to our company.

Elene is exceptionally enthusiastic and always shows interest in volunteering to help her team members.

Languages: Georgian, Russian, English

Tamar Goglichidze

Quality Service Manager

As an enthusiastic and determined staff member with substantial experience in the service field, Tamar is a highly skilled professional at our clinic.
As a Quality Service Manager at Beta Plus Fertility, Tamar welcomes patients by greeting them, answering their questions, and making sure everything is in place. She focuses on patients’ satisfaction and always keeps an extra eye to ensure patients are well taken care of .Tamar is responsible for the quality assurance management plan for the clinic. She understands patients’ needs and requirements to further develop effective quality control.
Tamar’s friendly and approachable character makes her a proud new member at Beta Plus Fertility.

Khatuna Gelashvili

Head of the laboratory

Head of the laboratory, doctor-laboratorian Mrs. Khatuna graduated with honors from the Tbilisi Institute of Biological Medicine and Ecology (specialty-laboratory medicine), she continued her studies at the Tbilisi State Medical Academy - the residency program of laboratory medicine (doctor-laboratory assistant position) and holds a doctor-laboratorian license.

She has many years of work experience in the leading clinics such as: Laboratory "PCR diagnosis", LLC Nikoloz Kipshidze Central University Clinic, European medical laboratory "synevo", Chafidze Emergency Cardiology Center laboratory, Clinic "Inova" laboratory, D. Tatishvili Medical Center 7. LLC "Medical Service and Consulting" (SWISSdoktorLabs) - medical laboratory.

Dr. Khatuna stands out for her dedication to work and responsibility towards the duties assigned to her. She inspires her co-workers and pushes them to perform better.

Teona Chanadiri

A medical lab assistant

Teona graduated with honors from the Faculty of Medicine of Tbilisi University, after which she completed her residency in the field of laboratory medicine at the Institute of Post-Diploma Medical Education and Continuous Progressive Development of Tbilisi State Medical University.

Teona is a licensed doctor. Since 2014, she has been working as a laboratory assistant at the "Inova" clinic. Since 2021, he has been working as a laboratory assistant at the Davit Tatishvili Medical Center in Tbilisi and as the head of the regional service at the Davit Tatishvili Medical Center in Batumi.

Teona has recently joined the Beta Plus team. She is a skilled doctor, trained to perform laboratory tests, operate lab equipment and is ready to fulfill her duties with great responsibility.

Tamar Sturua

A medical lab assistant

Tamar graduated Bio-Medical faculty from Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State Univeris. Afterward she continues her studies at TSU, with a post-diploma professional skills program, as a result of which she was awarded a certificate and is a licensed doctor and laboratory technician.

Tamar has 15 years of experience in laboratory medicine. She worked as a laboratory assistant in leading Tbilisi clinics, namely: D. Khoridze Maternity Hospital, New Hospitals, Synevo International Laboratory, Institute of Personalized Medicine, Georgian-Dutch Hospital, New Vision University Hospital.

Tamari joined the "Beta Plus" team in 2022 with great enthusiasm and determination and is ready to fully demonstrate her personal qualities: a high sense of responsibility and the principle of teamwork in the daily activities of the laboratory and clinic.

Natia Khunashvili

Junior Doctor

Natia graduated with honors from Tbilisi State Medical University, she gained experience and advanced in various leading clinics of Tbilisi such as Aversi clinic, where she worked as a medical laboratory assistant, in Bochorishvili Clinic and as well as in Central laboratory of the Nikoloz Kipshidze University Clinic.

Among her many good qualities, it is especially worth mentioning the ability to learn quickly and respond quickly in extreme situations, her hard work and willingness to help makes her very reliable.

Tamuna Liparteliani

Pregnancy and After Birth Care Coordinator

After graduating from Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Medicine, Tamuna continued her study at Tbilisi State Medical University’s master’s degree program in Public Health.

Tamuna has experience working as a Medical Providers Manager for an insurance company. Before that, she worked for Clinic as a Quality Assurance Manager. She has been volunteering for Arizona State University and Equality Health Foundation and translating medical materials from English to Georgian for Georgian immigrants.

Tamuna works as a Pregnancy and After Birth Care Coordinator at Beta Plus Fertility Clinic and supports the parents during the pregnancy and after the delivery period. She is in touch with intended parents, surrogate mothers, and doctors, making the process an easy and transparent experience for all of them. After childbirth she supports parents by planning, organizing, and collecting the paperwork needed for obtaining the birth certificate. She diligently provides overall assistance to parents while staying in Georgia. Her customer-oriented and obsessed attitude create an extraordinary professional in her.

Languages: English, Georgian

Mariam Gogelashvili

Medical Coordinator

Mariam is a dynamic and accomplished professional with a wealth of experience spanning international markets. With a strong background in communication, operations management, and patient care, she has worked with renowned global organizations, refining her expertise and building meaningful connections. Her journey into clinical management began in Georgia, where her exceptional skills and dedication quickly set her apart, leading to opportunities to collaborate with international teams in the United Kingdom.

Currently, Mariam plays a pivotal role in helping international couples fulfill their dream of parenthood at Beta Plus Fertility Clinic. Her work involves providing personalized guidance and unwavering support throughout the surrogacy process, ensuring every family experiences care of the highest standard.

With a proven track record of success, a passion for continuous growth, and a deep understanding of diverse cultures, Mariam embodies adaptability and excellence. Her inspiring journey reflects her ambition, dedication, and commitment to making a meaningful impact in every role she undertakes.