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Fertility Diagnostic Testing

Struggling with infertility is mentally, emotionally, and financially taxing, so it’s easy to become overwhelmed with options available to make your dreams of parenthood come true. Every patient and situation is unique, so when you come to Beta Plus Fertility we will start with fertility diagnostic testing to determine the best course of treatment. This treatment will change dependent upon different fertility problems, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, secondary infertility, infertility caused by immune reaction, uterine fibroids, ovulation disorders, pelvic adhesions, and more.

By assessing your situation through fertility diagnostic testing, we can help alleviate much of the stress that comes from being overwhelmed by guiding you to a solution that’s right for you.

Fertility Testing for Females

Age: As women age, their body’s ability to carry a healthy pregnancy to term gradually diminishes.

This is normal and natural, and is not necessarily considered a fertility problem; instead, it just means women over the age of 35 may need to consider alternative options, such as surrogacy and egg donation, to have a child.

Endometriosis: Endometriosis is often the underlying cause of “unexplained infertility” for many women, but it often goes undiagnosed due to the difficulty in doing so without a surgical procedure. If you are struggling with unexplained infertility, there are still solutions to help you have a child.

Genetic: Some genetic diseases can cause repeated miscarriage or infertility, but there are solutions to overcome these medical concerns.
Ovarian Reserve: To test a woman’s ovarian reserve, we use a combination of a blood test with an ultrasound. This helps our doctors determine her ability to conceive and sustain a viable, healthy pregnancy.

Ovulation: Ovulation is critical to achieve pregnancy, but many conditions, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome, can make it difficult or even impossible for a woman to ovulate. In these cases, our doctors may be able to prescribe fertility medication to stimulate ovulation.

Tubal Status: In certain situations, a woman’s fallopian tubes may become blocked, distorted, or kinked, preventing the sperm from meeting the egg or resulting in an ectopic pregnancy. To determine whether a woman’s tubes are open, our doctors may use the dye test HSG.

Uterus and Endometrial Lining: The uterus and its lining may be abnormal and unable to sustain a pregnancy as the result of fibroids, intra-uterine scarring, or polyps. Many of these conditions are correctable and can be diagnosed with ultrasonography, a sono-hysterogram, or hysteroscopy.

Fertility Testing for Males

Age: Paternal age, especially over the age of 50, may start to have an effect on infertility and rates of miscarriage.

Genetic: There are many genetic abnormalities we can test for that may result in male infertility, such as Klinefelter’s syndrome.

Sperm Count: Many couples with fertility concerns have medical conditions that affect both parties, so testing for sperm count will help our doctors make a diagnosis and find a solution that’s right for you.

Sperm DNA Integrity: In some cases, the sperm, not the egg, is the source of unexplained infertility or repeated miscarriage. But evaluating sperm for DNA fragmentation, our doctors can better diagnose your situation.

Sperm Function: A semen analysis can determine whether there are low sperm counts or low motility which may be preventing the sperm from reaching and/or penetrating the egg. IVF is the only definitive way to diagnose this condition.

Fertility Testing for Males and Females

Sexual Dysfunction: It’s important to assess both partners for erectile dysfunction or vaginismus to fully address their infertility concerns and find an appropriate solution.
Unexplained Infertility: When all tests are normal, the couple will be diagnosed with unexplained fertility. While this may be upsetting, we want every patient to know that there are still fertility solutions available that will help you have the child you desire.